In 2015 ALCA-NE established the Susan R. Shapiro Memorial Leadership Fund, in memory of a dear colleague and friend, Susan Shapiro, who was taken from us much too soon by Ovarian Cancer. Susan was an active member of Aging Life Care Association for many years, holding positions at both the Chapter and National level. It is in her memory that this award was established.
The Susan R. Shapiro Memorial Leadership Fund awards annually one (1) free admittance to the Aging Life Care Association National Conference to a New England Chapter member who demonstrates outstanding professionalism and leadership potential within ALCA.
Congratulations to our past Susan R. Shapiro Memorial Leadership Fund awardees:
- 2023 Kate Thaisz
- 2022 Kathy McGuinness
Each year ALCA-NE also honors all outgoing Chapter Board Members by making a contribution to this fund on behalf of each Board Member. The 2023 new honored members are Joan Harris and Jennifer Pilcher.
This award also continues by way of your generous donations. If would like to contribute toward this fund, donation checks may be made out to:
Aging Life Care Association, note on the memo line: “Susan Shapiro Fund- New England Chapter”.
Mail to:
3275 W. Ina Rd Suite 130
Tucson, AZ 85741